母亲在电话中催促 / On the Phone, Mother Urging


三天前,母亲在电话中催促: / “快回来吃鸡子……”我的心已飞了。 / 交接,收拾,留言,我与世界的关系 / 都在你眼里。
四十年印象,人事,水落石出。 / 我曾试图抓住其中的一些: / 恋情,知己……驱车绕过阻塞, / 郊区的建筑忽然松开。
不洁,杂乱,但已可望见天际。 / 我们的信心像这城市的能见度。 / 小丘、平林入眼,展开如记忆。
家……父亲安葬在背垴。 / 或许现在要纠正青年时代的不孝为时已晚。 / 入睡前拉开大门,满目的星星竟使我满足。

English Translation

Three days ago, mother phones, saying
“Come home soon, I’ll cook country chicken.”
My heart’s already there,
packing, arranging, leaving messages,
all seen by you.

Forty years in the affairs of men —
waters ebb, stones appear.
I tried once for love, again for friendship.
I steer around obstacles,
the edges of the city slipping past,

grimy, jumbled. The horizon soon in sight,
doubts vanish with the city’s murky air,
hillocks and brief groves loom up like memory.

Home. Father at rest beneath the skull-shaped hill,
too late to redeem my mutinous youth.
Before bed I pull the big door open,
suddenly at peace, eyes full of stars.

Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com

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