유쾌한 뉴스 / Amusing News


가슴에 흰 줄무늬가 있는 지리산 반달가슴곰 두 마리가 어느새 자라 내 고향 뒷마을인 문수리까지 내려와 벌통 사십개를 작살내고 사라졌다고 한다. 먼 남쪽에서 아카시아꽃을 따라왔다가 하루아침에 벌농사를 망친 양봉업자 최씨가 곰들의 배설물을 증거로 들고 나와 내 이놈들을 가만두지 않겠다며 TV 속에서 마구 핏대를 올리는데 글쎄 절도죄가 성립될지 모르겠다면 ‘뉴스 24’의 여자 앵커가 고른 이를 드러내며 웃고 시청자들이 웃고 무엇보다 발밑을 묵묵히 흘러가던 지리산 개울물이 큭큭 웃는다.


It seems that two half-moon bears from Jiri Mountain, the kind with a white stripe on their throats, having grown up very fast, came down as far as Munsuri, a village directly above my own home town, wrecked forty bee-hives, then vanished. The bee-keeper, a Mr. Choi who had come from far down in the south, following the blooming of the acacias, and had seen his business ruined overnight, brought samples of bear-shit as proof and appeared ranting and raving on the television that the damned bears were going to have to pay, that it might prove to be a case of larceny. The anchor woman on the news program laughed until she showed her nice neat teeth, the viewers laughed, and above all the Jiri Mountain streams that had flowed quietly round the bears’ feet gurgled with laughter.

Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com

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