三月 / March


月亮无言 / 一枚徽章无言 / 极端的春天一寸寸成熟 / 新的流水代替了旧日的舌头
这时我们需要说明 / 说明将雨的天空和撤退的鸟群 / 说明为什么另一种风 / 如同真理 / 向我们进攻
沉睡中剩下的忏悔无邪 / 苦涩的春梦 / 使我们失去了充沛的骑手 / 只有盛开的街道 / 从耳边疾驰 / 无边的风声在说 / 还得放弃 / 还得记住 / 每一个老人和儿童
1985 春


speechless moon
a speechless badge
the radical spring ripens inch by inch
new running water replaces old tongue

now we need to clarify
clarify the rainy sky and birds in retreat
clarify why another wind
invades us
like truth

pure is remorse, the remains of sleep
bitter spring dreams
deprive us of our ardent riders
only the street, flourishing
gallops by the ear
a boundless wind that says
you must abandon
you must remember
every old man every child

Spring 1985

Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com

Permalink URL: https://www.cerisepress.com/03/08/march-bai-hua