槿花 / Hibiscus, Two Poems


(一) / 燕体伤风力,鸡香积露文。 / 殷鲜一相杂,啼笑两难分。 / 月里宁无姊,云中亦有君。 / 三清与仙岛,何事亦离群。
(二) / 珠馆薰燃久,玉房梳扫余。 / 烧兰才作烛,襞锦不成书。 / 本以亭亭远,翻嫌眽眽疏。 / 回头问残照,残照更空虚。



A swallow’s form is damaged by the strength of the wind.
On the cloves, patterns of accumulating dew.

Fresh crimson, intermingled.
To weep, to smile, the two are indistinguishable.

If only there were no sister inside the moon,
surrounded by clouds, a master.

Three pure spheres and immortal islands.
What is the reason for your exile?


At Pearl Lodge blazing fragrance lingers.
After combing, brushing, jade rooms.

A burning orchid serves as a candle.
Gathered brocade never becoming text.

What by nature is gracefully remote,
transforms to bitterness with distant gazing.

I turn my head. I ask the winnowing gleam.
The winnowing gleam grows hollow.

Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com

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