New Feeling for the Morning

There was this war going on inside my body
& it’s exactly what you wanted

or the robots were clashing, furious & metallic
ever so eager conquer the planet.

Voices distorted or contorted with logic
& the syllables were clunky,

a programmable beeping. Then there was one whole night
of not sleeping. Watching the light

change. I’m staying still with my pain so nobody
finds me. So I link this self

to the forecasted weather. Five days of sun
but afternoons mostly cloudy.

Bed sheets convince you they’re a lover’s caress.
One stanza for you & one stanza for me,

the park by the river lined with trees. Trees
that are dying if it’s October but today

is March, or almost it’s April. Hello new month.
I’ll hold your hand like I’ve held it before.

I’m a professional at crossing streets
I’ve not often crossed. Maybe I’m jittery.

Maybe the end comes via phaser set to stun, or left in the past
to cold radiate the desert.

It’s the end of one night or the start of another.

Printed from Cerise Press:

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