ворона прыгает с одной / [a crow leaps from one]
ворона прыгает с одной
тяжёлой ветки на другую —
здесь что-то кончилось со мной,
а я живу и в ус не дую,
небытия сухой снежок
ещё сдувая вместо пыли,
— так по ночам стучит движок,
который вырубить забыли
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a crow leaps from one
heaving branch to another —
something ended here with me,
but I go on living, not caring less,
the dry snow of nonexistence,
me blowing like dust
— at night, a sputtering engine
they forgot to cut down
Much of humanity continues to live mechanistically; it continues to run, and maybe you hear it at night, but without ever being able to see it or knowing exactly what the sputtering noise from the engine is powering.
Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com
Permalink URL: https://www.cerisepress.com/04/11/a-crow-leaps-from-one