Skupljanje malih figurica pred rastanak / Collecting Small Figurines Before Parting


U zvuku zrikavca
tvoje zjene se

Jedno drugom smo sve rekli,
sve se već desilo,
samo dodir tvojih trepavica
figure svijeta.

One ruše grad
u kojem je neko sve ulice ispraznio.

U njemu se već sve desilo.
nad rascvjetalom glavom
crveno nebo je dobilo svoje ime.

U njemu se već sve desilo.
Na bačenoj šarenoj odjeći na podu,
dok smo prodirali jedno u drugo,
u naglom trzaju,
vidjeli smo priljepljene naše snove,
zaustavljene u stakleni trenutak,
prisutniji od našega tijela.

U njemu se već sve desilo.
Kada je mjesec iz starog bagrema izbacivao svoju
ispred džamije
ljudi su na rukama nosili bijelog mejta.
Šum breze im je dah sabirao.
prenosili su ga s ruke na ruku
klizio je u dodirima prstiju,
postajao bijeli dah ljepotice što se odvaja od njih.

U njemu se sve već desilo.
kada smo se rastajali,
pred svojim očima moju sliku si rušila,
izgovorila si moje ime.
na vrhu desnog očnjaka
zakačila ti se crvena mrlja karmina.

English Translation

In the sound of the cricket
your pupils

We have told each other everything,
everything has already happened,
only the touch of your eyelashes
figures of the world.

They demolish the city
in which someone has emptied all the streets.

In it everything has already happened.
Above the ruptured head
of a little girl
the red sky got its name.

In it everything has already happened.
On the colourful clothes strewn on the floor,
while we were penetrating one another,
in a sudden jerk,
we saw our dreams pasted together,
frozen in a glass moment,
more present than our body.

In it everything has already happened.
When the moon from the old locust tree was throwing out its
in front of the mosque
people carried on their hands the white mejt.[1]
The murmur of the birch tree combined their breaths.
They carried it from hand to hand
it slid in the touches of fingers,
passing by,
becoming the white breath of a belle that separates from them.

In it everything has already happened.
When we were parting,
before your eyes you demolished my picture,
You said my name.
On the tip of your right canine
clung a red lipstick stain.


  1. A metj is a corpse that is wrapped in a white sheet, according to Islamic customs.

Printed from Cerise Press:

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