Meditacije o smrti / Meditations on Death
Zakaj sidro?
Zakaj sidro na zelenem hribu?
Smetnjak uprizori drvišče.
Penelope skačejo čez otavo.
Ni gobe.
Ni prisesanega.
Odhajamo po rahli stezi.
Nekdo vrže krompir v prsi.
Razmišljanje o tem, ali se razleti
krompir ali prsi (prsi krompir
povzamejo?) je odveč.
Velja mokro cestišče.
Mokro cestišče ni bolj nevarno kot
Rdeča barva je na opeki
ovitek, če rjuha pušča prah, veljam za
Zakaj sidro?
Zakaj sidro na zelenem hribu?
Why an anchor?
Why an anchor on the green hill?
The dustbin stages his running spree.
Penelopes jump over a haystack.
There’s no mushroom.
There’s no suckling one.
We leave on a light path.
Somebody throws a potato in the breast.
A consideration about what explodes,
the potato or the breast (how the potato
is summoned up?) is superfluous.
A wet roadway counts.
A wet roadway is no more dangerous than
a dry one. Red color is the cover
on a brick, if a sheet leaks dust,
I’m considered sad.
Why an anchor?
Why an anchor on the green hill?
Printed from Cerise Press:
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