Pomanjkanje renesanse / Shortage of the Renaissance
Pobožal sem sina po mehki glavici
in ga imenoval Sekou Touré.
Pazim, da se mi karta ne izgubi v
rokavu. Vračam se k sliki. Slika ima
jedro. Ožgane rastline in
pogorišče. Emile Bernard! Nisva
lepila skupaj plakatov? Želel sem si
malicati na Baltiku, bral sem o
konjih v gozdu. Čep diši po oglju.
Čep je bil izumljen, da zabiješ rit
konja, če ga pelješ v stekleno
dvorano. Konj se umakne.
Leonarda je obdal sluz. Vsi so takrat
še nosili copatke, samo Rusi galoše.
I caressed my son’s soft little head
and named him Sékou Touré. I watch
that a card doesn’t get lost in my sleeve.
I return to the painting. The painting
has its core, the burnt plants and the site
of a fire. Emile Bernard! Didn’t we glue
posters together? I wanted to have a snack
in the Baltic. I’ve read about horses in the woods.
A cork smells of charcoal. A cork was
invented to hammer into the horse’s ass while
driving him into the glass hole. The horse
draws back. Leonardo was encircled by
mucus. All of them wore little slippers
at that time, only Russians wore galoshes.
Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com
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