Corduroy collar, embroidered after-effects of olive teal.
Dawn of the decade: seventies — the event untied, of seven veins.
What do you do with the flame from the machine?
What does love mean when it rises like throat water?
Jungles are exploding with jellied gas, white meat of a sow.
Crayon velvet sharpens a person’s eyeballs when the flesh comes.
Line dancers knot War’s Ballero into a freshly minted up-do.
Malice, please take a seat, next to the butter dish’s umbilical wallpaper.
Mary Ann Vecchio is here to place memory on a placard.
Bodies coated in white lime: a blowdryer under the neon moon.
Walnut interior, black wolf exterior: what does love do?
I am telling a lie: she had the exterior of grass: love does what?
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